Dalton School Junior Infant And Nursery

From little acorns, mighty oaks will grow

Mayfield Avenue, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD5 9HN
Contact: Mrs H Valentine (Office Manager)

01484 538729



We have Nursery places available for September 2025 - Tell your family and friends!

 Nursery flyer 2024.docxDownload
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Did you know that we are offering 30 funded hours of Nursery provision if you are eligible. If you think that you are eligible, please contact our Main Office as soon as possible to register.  Places are going quickly!   Did you know that we are offering 30 funded hours of Nursery provision if you are eligible?  If you think that you are eligible, please contact our Main Office as soon as possible to register.  Places are going quickly!  Did you know that we are offering 30 funded hours of Nursery provision if you are eligible. If you think that you are eligible, please contact our Main Office as soon as possible to register.  Places are going quickly!  

If you need to contact me outside of Nursery hours, please use the email address - nicola.cole@kirkleeseducation.uk If you need to contact me outside of Nursery hours, please use the email address - nicola.cole@kirkleeseducation.uk If you need to contact me outside of Nursery hours, please use the email address - nicola.cole@kirkleeseducation.uk If you need to contact me outside of Nursery hours, please use the email address - nicola.cole@kirkleeseducation.uk 

Nursery children can access their Mini Mash drawer on Purple Mash by clicking on the image below.

Happy World Book Day 2025

We enjoyed celebrating the day with stories in different places around school, parachute story games and a story quiz.

Thank you to Paramedic Ben for providing us with a fantastic experience this week.

We really enjoyed learning about his job and looking around the ambulance.

We then followed it up with lots of work in Nursery about Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics- role playing, small world play, researching in books and creative work.

Lots of our children now want to be a Paramedic like Ben.

Spring 1 has been a very busy one!

We have really enjoyed the activities linked to Goldilocks, the 3 Little Pigs and Chinese New Year, as well as puzzling!

Happy New Year...Happy Nursery Learners!

Our Christmas Songs 2024 ...Enjoy!

Father Christmas, Father Christmas

I'm A Little Snowman

Jingle Bells

When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Old Father Christmas Lost His Hat

What Would You Like For Christmas

Christmas Party 2024.

Pass the parcel, Grinch freeze, Christmas Corners, Knock Down Elf, Sleeping Reindeers and lots of dancing!

We are loving our Christmas learning.

We are loving our Christmas learning.

Sing-a-long with Santa Event.

Thank you to all our Parents and Carers who came along, and of course, a big thank you to Santa himself!

Role playing, music, maths, reading, writing, painting... we are always busy learning in Nursery.

Halloween, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day Learning

Another busy couple of weeks in Nursery...

We have followed our own interests in our provision areas, talked about how we are all different as October is Black History Month, as well as carrying out activities linked to Halloween.

Look at our fabulous Harvest Work from this week.

We have learnt the rhymes 'Oats and Beans and Barley Grow', as well as 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow'

We have read stories about scarecrows and designed our own scarecrows.

We have carried out lots of activities around the Season of Autumn - conker rolling has been a favourite, as well as making playdough hedgehogs! 

September has been a very busy month of learning!

We have welcomed our September starters to Nursery.

They are all settling in beautifully.

The Class of 2024

Simply the Best!

We are going to miss you all so much.

Good luck as you move into Reception.

The learning never stops in our Nursery...

Our Nursery Garden looks absolutely fantastic after all the plant and flower donations from our Parents and Carers. 

The children have been fabulous gardeners this week: digging, planting, watering, weeding, etc.

Creative Learning in our Nursery includes all sorts of things ... dancing, singing, painting, printing, cutting, box modelling, construction, imaginary play...the list is endless!

Take a peek at what we have been learning in Nursery since we returned after the Easter break.

Happy Easter Everyone

World Book Day 2024

Which characters can you spot?

Thank you to our wonderful Parents/Carers for all their efforts.

Another busy week in Nursery.  We just do not stop learning and having fun!

Building, painting, cutting, drawing, writing, story telling, reading, phonics, number work, shape work...it has all been going on in Nursery this week.

The New Year has brought lots of new learning in Nursery...

We have welcomed some new children who are settling in really well.

Have a look at what we have been doing.

Merry Christmas to all our Nursery Families. 

We hope you love our Christmas songs that we have been learning.

Away In A Manger 

Jingle Bells 

When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney

Old Father Christmas

Old Father Christmas 

Nursery children...You and your families are truly amazing. 

We raised over £450 at our Reindeer Run in aid of Kirkwood Hospice. 

We are so proud of you all.

Afternoon Tea with Santa

We all had a fabulous time at our event.  Our favourite part was meeting Santa and his two Elves.

Santa's favourite part was meeting us and listening to our Christmas songs that we have learnt.

Our Reindeer Run in aid of Kirkwood Hospice - Dec 2023

Thank you to everyone who sponsored our Nursery children.  We will let you know how much we have raised soon.

We are so proud of our children raising money for such a worthy cause within our Community.

Nursery have been going on a bear hunt...

Spooky Fun in Nursery this week....

We love books in Nursery.

Reading independently, sharing books with friends, listening to adults read stories, reading indoors or outdoors....we absolutely love it!

Learning together and having fun...

We have welcomed our new starters to Nursery over the last couple of weeks and they have settled in beautifully.

Our Sponsored Dress Up Fun Run

What a fabulous event this was!  Thank you so much to all the Parents/Carers who supported us and to those who sponsored the children.

Although it was a wet afternoon, we still managed to have fun.

We showed off our Tumble Tots skills and then did our run around the field.

We all got a certificate, a gold medal and some bubbles.

Carpet Sessions are really important at Nursery

We have to follow our carpet rules of good sitting, good listening and good looking.

This is the time where we listen to stories, sing rhymes or do our counting.

The older Nursery children have been working hard on their name writing over the last few months in preparation for Reception.  We are so proud of every child and their efforts.

Our Nursery is the best place to learn and have fun together.

Another busy week back after the Half Term break - counting, writing, drawing, constructing, creating, developing fine motor and gross motor skills...the list is endless!

Sunny Afternoons 

A big thank you to everyone who has brought in a plant for our Garden of Hope this week.

The children have really enjoyed planting them with the help of Miss Moxon, and learning about what plants need to be able to grow.

The bees and butterflies will love visiting our Nursery garden.


We made crowns for our challenge at home, as well as in Nursery.  We made bunting and did marble rolling art work.

We decorated crown shapes with buttons and made palaces and castles from construction materials.

We had a Coronation Event on the playground with the older children and we danced, sang and waved our flags.

Happy Coronation King Charles. 

Learning together and having fun at Nursery

Happy Eid to all of our Dalton families. 

A big thank you to Sayf and Ifra who very kindly brought us all an Eid sweet bag to celebrate.

Drum roll please for our lucky Easter Raffle Winners!

Thank you to all who bought tickets.

We have really enjoyed our Easter fun today at Nursery.

We have been learning about Ramadan and what it means.

Look at our amazing Mosques that we created for our weekly homework challenge.

Let's Get Physical!

We love playing 'The Floor is Lava'

Snow Day means Snowmen/ladies!

We celebrated World Book Day this week.

Look at our fantastic costumes.

Guess who we are.

Look at what we will be learning about this half term.

 Curriculum leaflet Spring 2 2023.docxDownload
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Reading, Phonics, Mark Making, Counting... you name it, it all goes on in our Nursery.

Developing our fine and gross motor skills this week.

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year.  We have been singing, dancing and making our own music, as well as creating dragons. 

Our Nursery friend, Olivia, did a special talk for us in the Hall with her Mummy and her big sister, Charlotte.

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone.

Happy New Year, Happy Children, Happy Learning!

Look at the leaflet below to see what we will be learning about this half term.

 Curriculum leaflet Spring 1 2023.docxDownload
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Party Time!

We have worked really hard on learning the words and the actions to our Christmas songs and rhymes. 

We hope that you enjoy them.

When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney

Old Father Christmas Lost His Hat

Jingle Bells

I'm A Little Snowman

Three Mince Pies In The Baker's Shop

Away In a Manger

Three Little Gingerbread Men

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Tea With Santa Event

We had the most wonderful tea with Santa and his Elves.

We did scratch art, sang our Christmas songs and rhymes, enjoyed our tea and got to meet Santa and his elves.

Thank you to all the Parents and Carers who made this event such a success.

And of course, a huge thank you to Santa and his Elves for popping in.

 Lunchtime In Nursery.

We are encouraged to use our manners and socialise with the friends on our table.

We have loved Going On A Bear Hunt in Nursery!

We have enjoyed reading it, reciting it, performing actions to accompany it, making maps, drawing bears, creating bears, the list goes on!

We have had a few children poorly in Nursery the last couple of weeks, so we set up a Doctor's Surgery so that they could talk about their experiences.  We have enjoyed role playing in this area.

Pattern Making 

Remembering the Soldiers

Halloween Learning

Spooky Story Session with our Head Teacher, Mr Richardson.

A Spooky Song from our Morning Nursery

(We might need to work on our performance skills! Think the camera was a distraction! But we tried!)

Concentration faces at the ready!

Sometimes we choose to work on our own, with others in a group or with an adult.

Working Together And Having Fun

Look how well we are settling into Nursery - September 2022

We have really enjoyed our learning around the story of 'Shark In The Park'.

We have also moved on to reading 'Shark In The Dark' and 'Shark In The Park On A Windy Day'

We have made telescopes, painted and drawn sharks, made shape sharks, researched facts around sharks, talked about light and dark and weather and learnt the Timothy Pope rhyme.

Our Enormous Turnip Learning

We had an amazing Jubilee Week in Nursery.  We learnt all about The Queen, we drew pictures of her, designed her knickers and created flags.  We had a Jubilee party, joined the rest of the school singing songs and waving our flags on the playground and dressed in red, white and blue.  We were very lucky to receive a special coin to commemorate the day.

A HUGE thank you for all the plants, seeds and flowers that the children have brought in to Nursery this week.  They have loved planting them in our Nursery garden and learning how to care for them.  We cannot wait for the bees and butterflies to visit this Summer.

EID MUBARAK to all our Nursery families who will be celebrating this weekend.  Have a wonderful time with your families.

We have been learning all about Eid this week in Nursery.  See what you can remember and tell your grown ups.

Spring Chicken Song....Enjoy!

Easter Hat Fun April 2022

Ready for our Easter Hat Parade.

March has flown by in Nursery....

Red Nose Day March 2022

Nose hunting, Nose throwing and catching, Nose and spoon race, Nose in the basket...so much fun!

World Book Day March 2022

We celebrated by dressing up as a book character and reading lots of stories throughout the day.

We loved the books by Sue Hendra, especially 'Nobot The Robot' and 'Barry The Fish With Fingers'

Here are a few photographs from the day.

Take a look at what we will be working on in Nursery this half term, Spring 2.

 Curriculum leaflet Spring 2 2022.docxDownload
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The children showed an interest in Doctors and Nurses this week, so we have set up Dalton Surgery.

We love acting in this role play area.  We have enjoyed the songs Doctor Foster and Miss Polly, as well as watching the cbeebies show 'Get Well Soon'. 

We had a special delivery at Nursery this week....our new lunch tables.  We love dining at them!

We are really good at co-operating in Nursery, working together and having fun.

Happy New Year to you all.  

We are pleased to welcome several new children into our setting this week. They are settling in really well.

Below you will find an overview of our learning for this half term (Spring Term 1)

 Curriculum leaflet Spring 1 2022.docxDownload
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Christmas Party Time.

Watch us perform our AMAZING Christmas songs below.

First up, our rhyme 'I'm a Little Snowman'

Three Mince Pies In The Baker's Shop

When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney

Old Father Christmas

Away In A Manger

Jingle Bells 1

Jingle Bells 2

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Engaged In The Snow

We dressed in Non-Uniform for 'Children In Need' to raise lots of money.

We had a great day learning all about Pudsey Bear.

We sang teddy bear songs, listened to teddy stories, danced along with Pudsey, played 'Pudsey Says', 'Pass the Pudsey' and even had a Pudsey Bear hunt.

Mrs Cole's Challenge this week was to put on and fasten up your coat independently. 

Lots more children are on the rainbow wall this week, including Enzo, Teo, Ruby, Lillie, Monroe and Aizah.

All the children who stay at Nursery for their packed lunch have now won the Star Eater Award at least once.  Well Done.

Every day, we choose a child to be our 'Star Eater'.  This means that they have shown excellent manners and have eaten lots of their lunch.  We listen out for "please and thank you's", not talking with mouths full and independence skills.  Take a look at who has won the award so far....

More children are on the rainbow wall this week for independently putting on and fastening up their own coats. Well done you little superstars.

How lucky are we in Nursery?  We have won a hamper full of beautiful books.  Thank you so much to Becci, from Bobbin Books in Mirfield, for our amazing books.

We are on the Nursery Rainbow as we can put on our own coats and fasten them up independently

Our first week back has been full of learning. Take a look at what we have been up to...

Firework creative work, decorating biscuits like fireworks, pumpkin sketches, counting, reading,

co-operating, concentrating...the list is endless!

Take a look at our Curriculum Leaflet for Autumn Term 2 to see what we will be learning about in Nursery.

 Curriculum leaflet Aut 2 2021.docxDownload
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Exciting Outdoor Learning This Week

Potion making, bubble fun, slug and worm hunting...

We have welcomed lots of new children into our Nursery this week.  

They have settled into their new environment really well and are eager to learn in the different areas of provision.

Take a look at our Curriculum Leaflet for Autumn Term 1 to see what we will be learning about in Nursery.

We would like to welcome back to Nursery our older children, as well as welcoming our new children.


 Curriculum leaflet Aut 1 2021.docxDownload
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Engaged In The Rain

Outdoor Fun In The Sun

Our Nursery garden is blooming in the sunshine.

We love being creative in Nursery. 

Drawing, painting, printing, 3D modelling...we  love it!

Eid Mubarak to all our Nursery families celebrating Eid.  We cannot wait to see your photographs and hear all about your celebrations.

A huge thank you to all the children who have brought in something for our Nursery garden. 

We cannot wait to watch the seeds, flowers and plants grow and look at the changes over time.

Don't forget to send your child with a small plant to plant in our Garden of Hope this week.

We really appreciate this donation.

Summer Term 1

Click on the download button below to see an overview of what we are working on in Nursery this half term.

 Curriculum leaflet Summer 1.docxDownload
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On the day of Reflection (23rd March), we planted our Nursery 'Tree Of Hope'.

We talked about happy times ahead.

"Tomorrow will be a good day" - Captain Sir Tom Moore

Every morning and afternoon, we take part in a short fitness session.

We love running as fast as we can around the track.

Today we celebrated World Book Day.

Look at our fabulous outfits.

We have welcomed 7 new starters to Nursery this week.  The children are settling in so well, behaving beautifully and are happy as they learn.  We are so proud of them.

It is lovely to be back together again, co-operating and having fun as we learn.

March 2021

 We really enjoying exploring Mini Mash at Nursery.  Don't forget to log in and go on at home.

Role play is so important in Early Years.  We love our Fruit and Vegetable Shop.  We are able to develop our speaking and listening skills, our personal and social skills, our reading, writing and maths skills, as well as lots more.

 It's Christmas Time

After learning about the Christmas story, we enjoyed dressing up in the Nativity costumes.

Our Learning In Action

Take a look at just some of the things that we have been getting up to in Nursery in the Autumn Term.

November 2020

Look at what we are learning in Nursery this half term.

 Curriculum leaflet Aut 2 2020.docxDownload
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October 2020

Happy Spooky Half Term.

Don't forget to complete your Mrs Cole's challenges over your half term holiday.

Write/draw in your Talk Book about what you have been up to over the holiday, so that we can talk to you about your experiences when you return to Nursery.

 Nursery Letter Oct 2020.docxDownload
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Mrs Cole's Weekly Challenges From Autumn Term 1

 Autumn Walk.docxDownload
 Dear Zoo.docxDownload
 Zipping coat.docxDownload
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September 2020

It is lovely to have our Nursery back fully open after recent events.

The older children have returned ready to learn, as if they have never been away!

We have welcomed a large number of new children to our Nursery, who are settling very well.

A big 'thank you' to all our families who have adhered to our rules on social distancing and mask wearing in order to keep everyone safe.


Look out for some photos on this page of our learning in action over the next few weeks.


Click on the download button below to see an overview of what we are working on in Nursery this half term.

 Curriculum leaflet Aut 1 2020.docxDownload
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Meet Our Wonderful Nursery Team

Our Nursery Teacher is called Mrs Cole (contact on nursery.dalton@kirkleeseducation.uk)

Mrs Cole is the lead teacher for all of the Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception Classes)

Mrs Beaumont teaches in Nursery on a Tuesday and a Wednesday afternoon and on a Thursday when Mrs Cole is working elsewhere in EYFS.

Our Nursery practitioners are Mrs  Sturgeon, Becky and Miss Moxon.

 Our Learning From September 2019 to March 2020

The Nursery children were extremely upset on Monday when they found out that our beautiful reading cottage, gifted to us by Erris Homes, had been vandalized over the weekend.

However, they did enjoy taking on the role of police officers and searching for clues and evidence!

Thank you to our wonderful FODs for all their hard work running the Mother's Day Shop.  We hope everyone loved their gifts and had a Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you to all Parents and Carers who attended our Family Story Session with 'Handsome Hansel Richardson' today!  It was very well attended and the children loved the story of The Gingerbread Man.

World Book Day 2020

The Gruffalo, The Hungry Caterpillar, Goldilocks, superheroes and princesses galore...

Nursery had it all! 

Take a look at our photos from a great day full of stories.

This week we have been thinking about the people that we love.  We made some love heart buns.  A big thank you to Fintan and his Mummy for the Morrison's gift voucher, which helped us to buy our ingredients.

The ERRIS homes colouring competition results are in....Maizie from Reception Stoker was a very worthy winner...Well done to all the children who entered from Nursery.


Every Friday, we get together to join in with our Tumble Tot action songs. 

It is great to have fun together and exercise at the same time.

Why don't you try it at home with your grown ups?

Tumble Tots songs can be viewed on you tube - Wiggly Woo, Wake Up Your Muscles, Elephants have Wrinkles, etc.

Outdoor Learning is extremely important for our development in Nursery. 

Look at some of the learning that we do outdoors...

We have welcomed 15 new children to our Nursery this half term.  We are so proud of them and how they have settled.  

Thank you to our lovely student, Chelsea, for working with us in Nursery since October. 

We are really going to miss you.


We are extremely proud of the children who received 100% attendance for the Autumn Term.  Well done.

A huge thank you to our wonderful FOD's group who worked so hard organising our Santa's Grotto.

The Nursery children loved meeting Father Christmas and telling him what they would like for Christmas.



Christmas Party Time in Nursery....

Thank you to everyone who attended our Festive Story Session with Elf Richardson.  

We loved singing our Christmas songs for everyone and playing our instruments.

We hope you enjoyed it as much as us!

The story was titled 'Father Christmas Needs A Wee' by Nicholas Allan

We have been learning about why we celebrate Christmas.  

We read 'The Story Of Christmas' and then acted it out in our role play stable.

Explore our new 'erris' reading cottage that has been  kindly donated to us by the 'erris' building development team. 

Thank you to all who attended the grand opening of our 'erris' reading cottage.

We even had a special visit from Father Christmas!

We love listening to stories in our new 'erris' reading cottage.

Remember... our resident story teller 'Santa Richardson' will be reading a Christmas story in the Main Hall on

FRIDAY 13th December...everyone welcome!

Curriculum Information 2019/2020

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Have you downloaded the Kirklees app '50 Things To Do Before You Are 5'? To download the app, search for ’50 things before 5′ in your app store.  50 low cost, no cost, fun ideas to carry out with your child...ENJOY!


Coach Matt and Coach Alex came in to Nursery from Kixx to do some fantastic sports activities. 

We had so much fun and really enjoyed playing the games.

If you would like to take your child along to KIXX, contact them on 07425877728 for further details.

Children In Need 2019

Remembrance Day 2019

We have been learning about why we wear poppies on Remembrance Day.

We created a poppy to wear and decorated a poppy biscuit.

Spooky Story Session 2019

Mr Richardson read the story of 'Meg and Mog' to the Nursery children and all of their grown ups.

Mrs Cole acted out the story and the children joined in with some spooky songs.

It was a fabulous event with wonderful parental support.

Our 'Friends of Dalton' organised 'Spooky Discos' to raise money to buy more high quality books for our school.

We all had a fantastic time.

10 Nursery Rhymes for us to learn before we leave Nursery

Throughout this year, your child will be learning 10 Nursery Rhymes off by heart, accompanied by actions.

We would like to share with you the rhymes that we are focusing on, in order for you to regularly sing them with your child at home.

Humpty Dumpty

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Twinkle Twinkle

Hickory Dickory Dock

Incy Wincy Spider

Miss Polly Had A Dolly

Doctor Foster

Wind The Bobbin Up

Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Old Macdonald Had A Farm

Nursery Rhymes are fabulous for the following reasons:-

They make perfect first stories.

They boost early language development.

They build social skills.

They build vocabulary.

They open the door to creativity.

They connect us to the past.

They improve fine motor skills and co-ordination.

They open the door to a love of all books.

They equip children to become better readers.

They are FUN!

Happy World Book Day -  March 2019.

Which book characters can you spot on our photographs?

Morning Nursery

Afternoon Nursery

20 books to read before you leave Early Years

Dear Zoo

We’re Going On A Bear Hunt

Guess How much I Love You

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Peace At Last


Harry And The Bucketful Of Dinosaurs


Oliver’s Vegetables

Handa’s Surprise

The Gruffalo

Owl Babies

Room on a Broom

Farmer Duck

The Rainbow Fish

Jack And The Beanstalk

Goldilocks And The Three Bears

The Gingerbread Man

The Little Red Hen

There's a Monster in your Book

Our Nursery Environment