What children say about mathematics at Dalton School:
‘I like maths. I’m really good at it. I like doing column addition and doing calculations in my head.’
‘I like maths because it is really fun and getting things right makes me feel excited.’
‘I love it. It’s one of my favourite lessons. I love using all the equipment.’
‘I like maths. I feel empowered when at first I can’t do it but then I can.’
‘Struggling shows that you are learning. We all struggle when we learn new things.’
‘It’s ok to struggle because it means that I’m not quite there yet.’
‘When teachers share basic, better, best, BYM I can see how good I am at something and what I need to do to get better. My teachers give me time to correct my work. Sometimes when we get things wrong the teacher stops and reteaches us.’
‘If I am stuck I can use diennes, coins and numicon. I get them myself. I’ve got to believe I can do it!’
‘If I struggle I can always go back a step to ‘better’ and do a few examples and then move back to best. We have a box of resources e.g. times-table cards and place value counters. I can get them when I want.’
‘When I’m in the shop and I want to buy some things, I can estimate how much it will be to check that I have enough money.’
‘Maths will help me in whatever job I get and in my daily life.’
‘I can start my independent learning when I know I am ready.’
‘Sometimes I work on my own, I don’t have to sit and listen to the teacher all the time.’
Progression of Knowledge and Skills in Mathematics linked to White Rose Maths
This document gives an at-a-glance guide to how the White Rose Maths curriculum links to the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 National Curriculum, and how it progresses through the topics. The progression helps class teachers see what to cover in their year group and what is taught in other years.
Yearly Overviews
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Calculation Policy